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Feat. Garcia Marquez "100 Years of solitude"


Book quote: The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point.

200x100 cm, Acrylic on Canvas SOLD

Feat. Stefan Zweig  "A chess story"

Book quote: my whole being and feeling pushed me into the checkered square

60x80 cm, Acrylic on Canvas, framed in black floating frame SOLD

Feat. Patrick Süskind  "The perfume"

Book quote: Incomprehensible, this scent, indescribable, no way to classify it, it actually should not even exist

60x80 cm, Acrylic on Canvas, framed in pink floating frame SOLD

Feat. Oscar Wilde  "The picture of Dorian Gray"

Book quote: The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink flowering-thorn.

60x80 cm, Acrylic on Canvas, framed in neon orange floating frame AVAILABLE (SHOP NOW)

Feat. Leo Tolstoi "Anna Karenina"