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Jasmin Dobrovsky©AnnaSommerfeldPhotography-Header-1.jpg

Jasmin dobrovsky

ART From Vienna

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Hi, I am Jasmin.

Living my dream of being an artist there is one thing above all else: human connection. 
By painting the things I love I hope to connect with others who feel the same.
I am glad you are a part of my journey.

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Ewa Samel
(Vienna, Austria)

City Council, Member of Parliament

Robby McCullough
(Los Altos, California)


Stefan Herzog
(Vienna, Austria)

Dance Instructor

Stefan comissioned the painting "Chachacha" to spice up the walls of his dancing studio.

Ewa was waiting for the right portrait to come along for her dining room and now she is happy with "Eve".

Robby can think about his memories of Japan everytime he looks at the "Kimono" painting.

Jasmin Dobrovsky Studio & Gallery
Kundmanngasse 33, 1030 Wien

For studio visits or inquiries feel free to contact me

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